On Demand
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5 Years
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Course Overview
Aim and objectives: The course is designed for the Existing Assistant-Electrical Officers from the Engine Department who have completed Approved Maritime Electro-Technology. The course is to meet the requirements of STCW Convention, Regulation III/7. After completion of the course the student shall able to;
- Monitor the operation of electrical, and control system
- Monitor the operation of automatic control systems of propulsion and auxiliary machinery
- Operate generators and distribution systems
- Operate and maintain power systems in excess of 1,000 volts high voltage technology
- Operate computers and computer networks on ship
- Use internal communication system
- Do safe use of Electrical Equipment
- Demonstrate Maintenance and repair of electrical and electronic equipment
- Demonstrate Maintenance and repair of automation and control systems of main propulsion and auxiliary machinery
- Demonstrate Maintenance and repair of bilge navigation equipment and ship communication system
- Demonstrate Maintenance and repair of electrical, electronic and control systems of deck machinery and cargo – handling equipment
- Demonstrate Maintenance and repair of control and safety systems of hotel equipment
- Understand / Ensure compliance with pollution
- Contribute to the handling of stores
- Apply occupational health and safety procedure
- Understand basics of Industrial Chemistry